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A Canoe and a Dinghy

Tenby, Pembrokeshire.—At 1.25 on the afternoon of the 23rd of August, 1957, the coastguard telephoned that a small boy was drifting out to sea in a rubber dinghy off South Beach. Ten minutes later the life-boat Henry Comber Brown was launched. There was a heavy surf and a fresh west- north-westerly breeze. The tide was flooding. Two other boys put out in a canoe and took the boy off the dinghy. They then tried to take the dinghy in tow, but the canoe capsized and flung all three boys into the sea.

The life-boat rescued them all and picked up the canoe and rubber dinghy.

She then returned to her station,arriving at 2.10.—Rewards to the crew, £7; rewards to the helpers on shore, £5 4s..