The Tender of the Commissioners of Irish Lights Wanderer
Howth, Co. Dublin.—At 2.15 on the afternoon of the 9th of June. 1957, a message was received that the relief boat for Rockabill lighthouse had been damaged when she had struck a rock on St. Patrick's Island. Two small outboard motor boats had put out from Skerries, and because of the bad weather the life-boat R.L.P. put out at three o'clock, towing her board- ing boat. There was a choppy sea and a fresh north-easterly breeze was blowing. It was low water. The life-boat reached the position and found that the tender of the Commis- sioners of Irish Lights Wanderer had been towed off at high water by a local fishing boat and had been beached.
The life-boat returned to her station, but on the return journey she came up with a motor ferry boat with thirty people on board. The ferry's engine had broken down and the second coxswain was transferred to her to repair the engine. He then returned to the life-boat, which arrived back at her moorings at 6.30.—Rewards to the crew, £9 16s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £l 4s..