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The Helwick Lightvessel.

Tenby, Pembrokeshire.—At 6.20 on the evening of the 9th of June, 1957, the Mumbles honorary secretary tele- phoned that there was a sick man on the Helwick lightvessel. At 6.59 the life-boat Henry Comber Brown was launched, with a doctor on board, in a choppy sea. There was a fresh south- westerly breeze blowing and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat came up with the lightvessel, and put the doctor aboard. She then embarked the patient after the doctor had given him morphia.

The life-boat returned to moorings at Tenby at eleven o'clock, where the sick man was transferred to a waiting ambulance. The life-boat was re- housed on the 10th of June.—Rewards to the crew, £14 16s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £8 18s. Refunded to the Institution by Trinity House..