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The Danish Fishing Vessel Ove

Lerwick, Shetlands.—At 11.25 on the night of the 29th of April, 1957, the honorary secretary was visiting the life-boat station when he saw a small craft drifting broadside in the middle of the harbour. An attempt was made to communicate by morse lamp with the crew, but no reply was received.

The honorary secretary asked the coastguard to watch the vessel when she came into view and then went to the south harbour entrance, for the vessel was drifting out of the harbour and towards the coastguard station.

At one o'clock the coastguard reported that the vessel was now in Braewick Bay but was paying no attention to sound or morse signals. Twenty minutes later the vessel had drifted to the far side of Braewick Bay, andas it appeared that she would not clear the Sillick Baas near the Ness of Sound the life-boat Lady Jane and Martha Ryland put out at 1.42.

There was a moderate sea, a strong northerly breeze was blowing, and the tide was ebbing-. There were showers of sleet and snow. The life-boat came up with the Danish fishing vessel Ove, with a crew of two. The coxswain placed a member of his crew on board the fishing vessel and told him to follow the life-boat into the harbour, which was reached at 2.30. The Ove was moored at Victoria pier.—Rewards to the crew, £6..