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The Blackwater Lightvessel

Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford.—At two o'clock on the afternoon of the 22nd of June, 1957, the inspector of Irish Lights telephoned that a member of the crew of the Blackwater light- vessel was injured and needed medical treatment ashore. At 2.40 the life- boat Douglas Hyde put out. There was a rough sea, a moderate east- north-easterly gale was blowing, and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat reached the lightvessel, took the injured man, who was the lamplighter, on board, and landed him at Rosslare harbour. She reached her moorings at 6.45.—Rewards to the crew, £11; rewards to the helper on shore, 16s.

Refunded to the Institution by the Commissioners of Irish Lights..