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Swedish Life-Boat Jubilee

THE jubilee celebrations of the Swedish Life-boat Society were held at Gothenburg from the 17th to the 19th of May. Captain V. M. Wyndham-Quin, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Management, and Colonel A. D.

Burnett Brown, Secretary of the Institution, attended and representatives of ten other countries were present.

The celebrations started with a formal inspection of some visiting life-boats by the King and Queen of Sweden in the attractive little harbour of Langedrag. The representatives of other countries were presented to Their Majesties during this inspection which took place in fine weather in the presence of a considerable number of people. This was followed by a meeting in the Town Hall and a luncheon, both attended by the King and Queen. At the luncheon Captain Wyndham-Quin voiced the thanks of the overseas visitors and presented the Institution's silver medal and accompanying vellum to the President of the Swedish Society.

The celebrations continued with a visit to a large ship-building yard and a great deal of most hospitable entertainment, winding up with a luncheon given by the City of Gothenburg on Sunday, 19th of May.

There was opportunity during the week-end for a certain amount of discussion of points of common interest, and before the lunch on Sunday visitors were taken on a demonstration cruise in Swedish, Norwegian, Polish and German life-boats, during which a party of children in a small boat provided an unrehearsed "incident" of which full advantage was taken.

A. D. B. B..