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Search and Rescue Chart Key

1. No. 1100 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit—two rescue/target towing launches (can be made available for S. & R.).

2. R.N. Dragonflies from station flight available for S. & R. duty, from 08.00 hours to sunset.

3. O.C.U. Shackletons available for long range S. & R.

R.A.F. mountain rescue team for Northern Scotland and Island of Skye.

4. No. 1112 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit (two range safety launches) on 24 hour S. & R.


5. (S. & R.) Squadron detachment (Sycamores) on duty from dawn to dusk.

R.A.F. mountain rescue team for Central Scotland.

6. Headquarters No. 18 Group—R.A.F.

Northern Rescue Co-ordination Centre.

7. 67th Air Rescue Squadron.

U.S.A.F. long range S. & R. Skymasters and Whirlwind helicopters.

U.S.A.F. six-man para-medic rescue team.

8. No. 1108 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit (two rescue/target towing launches) on 24 hour S. & R. duty.

9. Coastal Command squadron Shackletons available for long range S. & R.

10. R.N. Dragonflies from station flight, available for S. & R. duty from 08.00 hours to sunset.

11. R.N. Dragonfly from station flight available for S. & R. duty from 08.00 hours to sunset.

12. No. 1106 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit, two range safety launches (can be made available for S. & R.).

13. (S. & R.) Squadron Headquarters (flight of S. & R. Sycamores} on duty from dawn to dusK.

14. Coastal Command squadron Shackletons available for long range S. & R.

S. & R. Squadron detatchment (Sycamores) on duty from dawn to dusk.

15. No. 1114 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit, two range safety launches (can be made available for S. & R.).

16. R.A.F. mountain rescue team for Northern England and Lake District.

17. No. 1104 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit (three range safety launches) on 24 hour S. & R. duty.

18. (S. & R.) Squadron detachment on duty from dawn to dusk (Sycamores).

19. No. 1110 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit (two rescue/target towing launches) on 24 hour S. & R. duty.

20. No. 1113 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit (two rescue/target towing launches) on 24 hour S. & R. duty.

21. (S. & R.) Squadron detachment (Whirlwinds) on duty from dawn to dusk.

R.A.F. mountain rescue team for North Wales.

22. R.A.F. mountain rescue team for Pennines.

23. No. 1109 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unitthree range safety launches (can be made available for S. & R.).

24. (S. & R.) Squadron detachment on duty from dawn to dusk (Sycamores).

25. No. 1103 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit detachment (two rescue/target towing launches) on 24 hour S. & R. duty.

26. No. 1103 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit (one rescue/target towing launch) on 24 hour S.

& R. duty.

(S. & R.) Squadron detachment (Whirlwinds) on duty from dawn to dusk.

27. Two R.N. Dragonflies from station flight available for S. & R. duty from 08.00 hours to sunset.

28. No. 1105 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit (three range safety launches) on 24 hour S. & R. duty.

29. R.A.F. mountain rescue team for South Wales.

30. U.S.A.F. Rescue Co-ordination Centre.

31. No. 1103 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit detachment (two range safety launches) on 24 hour S. & R. duty.

32. (S. & R.) Squadron detachment (Sycamores) on duty from dawn to dusk.

33. 66th Air Rescue squadron.

U.S.A.F. S. & R. Albatross amphibians and Whirlwinds.

34. R.N. Dragonfly from station flight available for S. & R. duty from 08.00 hours to sunset.

35. (S. & R.) Squadron Headquarters (Whirlwinds) on duty from dawn to dusk.

No. 1107 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit detachment—one range safety launch (can be made available for S. & R.).

36. No. 1107 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit (two rescue/target towing launches) on 24 hour S. & R. duty.

37. R. N. Dragonflv from station flight available for S. & R. duty from 08.00 hours to sunset.

38. R.N. Dragonflies from station flight available for S. & R. duty from 08.00 hours to sunset.

39. No. 1111 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit three range safety launches (can be made available for S. & R.).

40. Coastal Command squadron Shackletons available for long range S. & R.

41. Headquarters No. 19 Group—R.A.F.

Southern Rescue Co-ordination Centre.

42. No. 1101 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit two rescue/target towing launches (can be made available for S. & R.).

43. (S. & R.) Squadron detachment (two Whirlwinds) on duty from dawn to dusk.

44. R.N. Dragonflies from station flight available for S. & R. duty from 08.00 hours to sunset.

45. No. 1102 R.A.F. Marine Craft Unit—six pinnaces (can be made available for S.

& R.)..