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Yarmouth, Isle of Wight.—At eight o'clock on the morning of the 26th of May, 1957, the Needles coastguard telephoned that the yacht Overlord, of Southampton, was in difficulties eight and a half miles south-west of St.

Catherine's Point. The life-boat S.G.E. put out at 8.22 in a rough sea.

There was a strong north-easterly breeze blowing and the tide was flooding. Before the life-boat reached the position she came up with the yacht, which was making for the Needles under a trysail. The Overlord was on passage from Alderney to Yarmouth with a crew of eight officers and men of the water-borne training company of the Royal Army Service Corps. Most of her sails had been blown away. The life-boat escorted her as far as the Needles and then took her in tow to Yarmouth, as the wind and tide had by then set against her.

The life-boat reached her moorings at 12.30. The R.A.S.C. Yacht Club made a donation to the Institution's funds.— Rewards to the crew, £11 4,?.; reward to the helper on shore, 12s..