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St. Peter Port, Guernsey.—At 9.28 on the morning of the 26th of April, 1957, a telephone message was received from a man who lives on Herm Island asking if a doctor could be sent to the island as his wife was seriously ill. There was a fresh "easterly gale blowing and the sea was very rough. No other boat which was available could have made the passage in the prevailing condi-tions, and the life-boat Euphrosyne Kendal put out at 9.47. There were very heavy rain squalls and it was low water. The life-boat made for Herm Island with a doctor on board, and after examining the patient the doctor returned to St. Peter Port in the life- boat for additional medical advice and extra equipment. The life-boat reach- ed St. Peter Port at 11.7 and left again four minutes later with a different doctor on board. She returned to the island and further treatment was given to the sick woman. The second doctor decided that the patient should be brought back to St. Peter Port, but it was clear that there would have to be some delay, for the life-boat would not be able to come alongside to take the woman off until high water.

Meanwhile, therefore, the life-boat once again returned to her station, which she reached at 12.50. There she embarked members of the St.

John Ambulance Brigade, who took aboard oxygen and other equipment.

The life-boat left again at 2.45, em- barked the patient at Herm harbour and landed her in Guernsey at 4.35.

The life-boat eventually reached her moorings again at 5.35. After one week's treatment in hospital the sick woman returned home.—Rewards to the crew, £14 5s.; reward to the helper on shore, 18s..