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New Ways of Raising Money

A FOOTBALL match between members of learned professions and the police, which took place at Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, raised some £70 for the Institution. It was organised by the Rev. J. H. F. Wilson, who himself played in the match.

* * * Mr. Pearce, a dentist of Tilehurst, near Reading, asks patients who break their appointments to make a contribution in the collecting box in his waiting-room.

* * * An unusual fashion display was organised by the Caterham branch, whose honorary secretary is Mrs. R.

D. Wood. It was presented by children who themselves chose the dresses and acted as models, the youngest model being Felicity Grosse, aged six.

Mrs. B. C. Collins, director of Children's Wear, Caterham, gave a running commentary on the show and the proceeds went to the Institution's funds.

* * * A doctor's wife in Berwick-upon- Tweed, who because of her husband's profession is entitled to a special discount on purchases from chemists, regularly gives the amount of the discount to the Institution's funds.

* * * A Bristol lady recently sent a donation to the Institution on her 87th birthday. The sum was £4 7s., representing Is. for every year of her life.

A customer who comes to the Wellington Inn at Wolviston, Co. Durham, regularly lends his evening newspaper to other customers, provided they put a coin in the life-boat collecting box.

* * * The Seer Green (Buckinghamshire) Skifflers made a handsome contribution to the Institution's funds from money raised at their sessions.

Mrs. M. Merry of 17 Uplands Avenue, Wolverhampton, has raised a considerable sum for branch funds by the sale of over a hundred children's toys which she has knitted.

Mrs. Hartley, of Carshalton, has raised considerable sums for branch funds by making toy animals out of fur and selling them.

Mr. A. G. Bethell, honorary secretary of the Stevenage Branch, raised more than £4 for branch funds by buying gramophone records in bulk and selling them individually.

The committee of the Burnham (Bucks) branch augmented the takings on a recent life-boat day by using a barrel organ as a means of raising funds..