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New Brighton, Cheshire.—At 10.23 on the morning of the 18th of May, 1957, the Formby coastguard telephoned that one of the crew of the fishing boat Mary, of Liverpool, who had just waded ashore, had reported that the boat was aground with her fishing net entangled in her propeller, and that another member of her crew was very ill. The Mary was aground in Formby pool near the coastguard station. The life-boat Norman B.

Corlett put out at 10.45 in a rough sea.

There was a strong north-westerly breeze blowing with raia squalls, and the tide was flpoding. The life-boat reached the position and found that the coastguard were 4omg all they could to help from the shore, but they were unable to reach the boat. The man who was very ill had apparently been over the side to attempt to clear the fouled propeller and had been overcome with the cold water and bit- ing wind. He was taken aboard the.

life-boat, together with another mem- ber of the Mary's crew. He was wrapped in blankets and given rum and hot drinks. The life-boat reached New Brighton stage at one o'clock and the two men were landed and taken to hospital.—Rewards to the crew, £7 4s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1 8s..