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Seaham, Co. Durham.—At 6.25 on the evening of the 23rd of May, 1957, information was received- that the fishing boat Emily, of Sunderfand, with a-crewlof two, had been out,fl8h-iing since six o'clock in the morning and had not returned. After further inquiries had been made the Horden police reported that a boat was lying about three-quarters of a mile off shore and appeared to need help.

The life-boat George Elmy was launched at 7.15 in a moderate sea. There was a variable breeze, and the tide was flooding. The life-boat came up with the Emily seven miles south of Seaham.

She had anchored with engine trouble.

The life-boat took her in tow and reached her station again at 8.45.— Rewards to the crew, £6; rewards to the helpers on shore, £l 16s..