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Camelia (1)

Aberystwyth, and New Quay, Cardigan- shire.—At 8.45 on the morning of the 17th of April, 1957, the Outward Bound Sea School's ketch Golden Valley left Aberystwyth for New Quay, towing the fifty-feet fishing boat Cornelia, of New Quay. At 10.30 the New Quay coastguard telephoned the' Aberystwyth coastguard' asking for information, as neither vessel could be seen approaching New Quay. The New Quay coastguard learnt that the vessels were close under the land be- tween Llanon and Aberayron. At 11.45 the Golden Valley returned to Aberystwyth harbour. She had cast off the Cornelia at her master's request, as he intended to continue under sail, but by 12.30 the Camelia had not come into sight of the New Quay coastguard.

Visibility was bad and she had last been seen six miles north-east of New Quay Head. It was decided to wait for half an hour before taking further action, and at one o'clock, by which time the Camelia was still out of sight, the New Quay life-boat St. Albans was launched. Ten minutes later the life-boat Helen Sutton, on temporary duty at Aberystwyth, also launched.

There was a rough sea, a strong south- westerly breeze was blowing, and the tide was ebbing. The New Quay life-boat found the Camelia, with a crew of two, two miles west of Pen- rhiw, Aberath, and escorted her safely to New Quay, arriving at 3.55. The Aberystwyth life-boat was recalled and reached her station again at 3.30.— New Quay: rewards to the crew, £7 4*. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £8.

Aberystwyth: rewards to the crew, £7 4*.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £8 3s..