Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk.—On the 30th of April, 1957, Lloyd's agent telephoned to say that the motor vessel Caland, of Rotterdam, on passage from Grangemouth to Brest, had a sick man on board and was making for Yarmouth Roads.
She was due off the pierhead at 12.30 early on the 1st of May, and a doctor asked if the life-boat would land the sick man. At 12.35 the life-boat Louise Stephens was launched to meet the motor vessel, which had arrived in Yarmouth Roads. There was a smooth sea, a gentle north-north- easterly breeze was blowing, and the tide was flooding. The man, who had a strangulated hernia, was embarked and the life-boat returned to the harbour, arriving at two o'clock. The man was taken to hospital and made satisfactory progress.— -Rewards to the crew, £9 12s. Qd.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £4 17s. fid..