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B.P. Marketer

Lytham-St. Anne's, Lanes.—At 7.10 on the evening of the 18th of April, 1957, a Preston firm of shipping agents telephoned to say they had received a call from the master of the tanker B.P. Marketer, of London, reporting that a member of the crew had had a stroke and was seriously ill. The master had asked for a doctor to be sent as soon as possible. At 7.36 the life-boat Sarah Tovcnsend Porritt was launched in a moderate swell with a doctor on board. There was a light north-westerly breeze blowing, and it was low water. The life-boat came up with the tanker off Nelson buoy in the Ribble estuary. The sick man was transferred to the life-boat, which landed him at eleven o'clock. He was taken to a hospital in Blackpool, where he died the next evening. The owners of the tanker made a donation to the funds of the Institution.— Rewards to the crew, £8 8*.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3 15*..