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A Dinghy (3)

Beaumaris, Anglesey.—On the morn- ing of the 10th of June, 1957, a message was received from a man living in Penmon that his twelve-year-old sonwas drifting in a dinghy out towards Penmon Point. At 12.30 the life-boat Field Marshal and Mrs. Smuts was launched. There was a rough sea, a moderate north-easterly breeze was blowing, and the tide was ebbing.

Before the life-boat reached the posi- tion the boy jumped into the sea and tried to swim ashore. A man who lived near by put out in a dinghy and rowed to the boy, who was found to be unconscious. The boy was revived and brought to the shore. The life- boat found the dinghy and took it on board. She then returned to her station, arriving at 2.15.—Rewards to the crew, £8 15s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £2 14s..