The Ramsey Island Motor Boat
St. David's, Pembrokeshire.—On the evening of the 1 st of February, 1957, the Ramsey Island motor boat was return- ing from Forth Stinnan with the sole Ramsey Island farmer and provisions on board when her engine broke down.
The boat had to be beached at Forth Seli. The coastguard informed the honorary secretary the next morning, and during the afternoon a further message was received that attempts to repair the engine had failed. At 3.30 on the afternoon of the 2nd of February the life-boat Swn-y-Mor (Civil Service No. 6) was launched.
There was a slight sea, a slight south- westerly breeze was blowing, and the tide was flooding. The life-boat took the farmer, his farm-hand and fresh provisions to Ramsey Island and returned to her station, arriving at five o'clock.—Rewards to the crew, £6 5s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £2 12s..