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Pride of Erin (1)

Campbeltown, Argyllshire.—At 3.27 on the afternoon of the 31st of January, 1957, the Southend coastguard tele- phoned to say the police had been informed that flashing lights had been seen from a vessel in Machrihanish Bay. The life-boat City of Glasgow II was launched at 3.44 and made for the position. The sea was very rough, and there was a strong south-westerly gale. The tide was ebbing. When the life-boat had reached DavaarIsland a message was received that the motor fishing vessel Pride of Erin was in difficulties with a fouled pro- peller five miles north of Davaar.

The message had been passed by the motor fishing vessel Onward, which was close to the Pride of Erin, and the life-boat then altered course. She reached the position given and found that the Omvard had been able to get a line aboard the Pride of Erin. She escorted both vessels back to Camp- beltown, arriving at 8.10. The Islay life-boat put out to investigate the flashing lights in Machrihanish Bay.— Rewards to the crew, £14 5.?.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1 8s..