Plymouth, Devon.—At 9.47 on the night of the 5th of March, 1957. a message was received that the schooner Olivia, of Plymouth, needed help four miles off Eddystone. At 10.5 the life- boat Thomas Forehead and Mary Rozi'se put out in a rough sea. There was a fresh south-easterly breeze blowing and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat and the schooner were in constant communication by radio- telephone, and at the coxswain's request the crew of the Olivia burnt a flare. The Olivia was then seen to be drifting into Whitsand Bay. The life-boat passed a line to her and took her in tow. One of the schooner's crew of four was injured and a message was sent asking for an ambulance to await the arrival of the life-boat.
The coxswain brought the Olivia along- side Trinity pier at two o'clock in the morning, and the injured man was taken to the waiting ambulance. The life-boat then returned to her moor- ings, arriving at 2.15.—Rewards to the crew. £18 5s..