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Dungeness, Kent.—At 9.30 on the morn- ing of the 5th of March, 1957, the life- boat coxswain heard on his wireless that two vessels had been in collision seven miles east-by-north of Dunge- ness. At 9.50 the life-boat Charles Cooper Henderson was launched. There was a smooth sea, a light easterly breeze was blowing, and the tide was flooding. It was foggy. While mak- ing for the position the life-boat received a message by radio-telephone that the engine room of one of the vessels was flooded. Her position was given as five miles south-east-by- east of Dungeness. The life-boat altered course and came up with the motor vessel Marietta, of Greenock.

She stood by until the Marietta was taken in tow by the tug Jean Bart, and then returned to her station, arriving at 12.30. The other vessel in collision was able to proceed on her way.—Rewards to the crew, £13. 10*.;rewards to the helpers on shore, £18 7s..