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Captain William Roberts

CAPTAIN" WILLIAM ROHEKTS. who died on the 5th of December, 1956, at the age of 76, was formerly second coxswain of the Moclfre life-boat and the winner of the Institution's highest award, the gold medal. This was for a service carried out on the 28th of October, 1927, when lie was in command of the Moelfre life-boat at a time when the regular coxswain was away. The life-boat put out to the help of the auxiliary ketch Excel, which was in distress in a whole south-westerly gale. To rescue her crew of three Captain Roberts had to take the life-boat under full sail right over the waterlogged wreck. She was carried by a heavy sea on top of the upper deck and was stove in in three places, but the lifeboat's crew succeeded in hauling the three men from the ketch on board.

Captain Roberts had been bowman for a year and a half and second coxswain for three years before he retired through ill-health in 1928..