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A Sailing Dinghy

Hastings, and Eastbourne, Sussex.—At 4.22 on the afternoon of the 13th of January, 1957, the Fairlight coast- guard telephoned that a sailing dinghy needed help four miles south of Bex- hill. At 4.37 the Hastings life-boat M.T.C. was launched. There was a rough sea, a strong north-easterly breeze was blowing, and it was low water. Visibility was bad because of sleet squalls. The life-boat searched the area but could find nothing. The Eastbourne life-boat Beryl Tollemache also launched at 6.40 to help in the search. With the help of an aircraft which dropped flares the Eastbourne life-boat found the dinghy, and towed her back to her station, arriving there at 9.30. The Hastings life-boat reached her station again at 9.25.— Rewards: Hastings, rewards to the crew, £14 5s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £27 2.9.; Eastbourne, rewards to the crew, £10 10,?.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £15..