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A Sailing Dinghy (3)

St. Peter Port, Guernsey.—At 10.24 on the night of the 23rd of March, 1957, a telephone message was received that a man had left the harbour in an open 12-feet sailing dinghy bound for Porte- let Bay at noon but had been seen twice during the afternoon making- little progress. At 10.55 the life-boat Euphrosyne Kendal put out in a calm sea and a light westerly breeze. It was high water. Making due allow- ance for tidal streams, the coxswain decided to search Saint's Bay, where he found the dinghy. A member of the life-boat crew was put aboard her and the man was taken on board the life-boat, which then towed the -dinghy back to St. Peter Port, arriving there at 12.30.—Rewards to the crew, £8 15s.; rewards to the helper on shore, 13s..