The Liberian Motor Vessel Capeton Kostis
Eastbourne, Sussex.—At 7.50 on the morning of the 3rd of October, 1956, the coastguard telephoned that the Liberian motor vessel Capeton Kostis had a very sick man on board and asked if the the life-boat would land him.
At 8.15 the life-boat Beryl Tollemache was launched. There was a slight swell, a moderate south-westerJy breeze was blowing, and the tide was flooding. The life-boat came up with the Capeton Kostis seven and a half miles south of Eastbourne. The sick man was transferred to the life-boat and landed at Eastbourne at ten o'clock, where he was taken to hospital.
The owners made a gift to the funds of the Institution.—Rewards to the crew, £10; rewards to the helpers on shore, £8 11s..