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Kristina Thorden

Stornoway, Outer Hebrides.—On the morning of the 24th of November, 1956, a message was received from the Swedish motor vessel Kristina Thorden that she had a very sick man on board.

She asked the life-boat to meet her at the Butt of Lewis to take him ashore.

Because of the state of the weather it was suggested that the vessel should make for Stornoway, where a boat could meet her off the Arnish light, but the Kristina Thorden had no charts to guide her further than Tiumpan Head. At 5.50 therefore the life-boat James and Margaret Boyd put out with a doctor on board. There was a rough sea, a fresh west-south-westerly gale was blowing, and it was low water.

The life-boat met the Kristina Thorden at Tiumpan Head, but because of the heavy swell it was impossible to trans- fer the patient. Escorted by the life- boat, the Swedish vessel made for the lee of Arnish light, where the sick man was taken on board the life-boat. He was brought ashore to a waiting ambu- lance, and the life-boat returned to her moorings, arriving at 10.10.— Rewards to the crew, £14 5s..