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Shoreham Harbour, Sussex.—At 5.36 on the afternoon of the 25th of October, 1956, the coastguard telephoned that the cabin cruiser Chrisian, with one man on board, needed help about twelve miles north-west by west of Beachy Head. The S.S. "stockforth, which was in the area, was trying to help her. The life-boat Rosa Woodd and Phyllis Lunn was launched at six o'clock in a rough sea. There was a fresh west-north-westerly breeze blowing, and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat made for the position and found that the Stockforth, which had the Chrisian in tow, had been forced to release her. The life-boat took the man off the cabin cruiser, and the coxswain put two members of his crew on board her and towed her to Shore- ham Harbour, arriving there at 8.5.— Property Salvage Case..