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Boston Valiant

Ramsey, Isle of Man.—At 5.45 on the afternoon of the 2nd of October, 1956, the coastguard telephoned that the trawler Boston Valiant, outward bound from Fleetwood to the fishing grounds,had asked for a doctor to meet her in Ramsey Bay as the cook had sus- pected appendicitis. As no local boats were able to leave the harbour because of the state of the tide, the life-boat Thomas Corbett was launched with a doctor on board at 6.15. The sea was calm, there was a light westerly breeze, and it was low water. The doctor was put aboard the trawler.

He examined the cook and was then brought ashore, together with the skipper of the Boston Valiant, arriving at 7.20.—Rewards to the crew, £8 15s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £9 12s..