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A Boat

Workington, Cumberland.—At 7.-10 on the evening of the 10th of December, 1956, a message was received from the Walney coastguard that a smallboat, with four Silloth firemen on board, had put out at five o'clock from Grune Point to search for a man in danger on Skinburness Marsh.

The boat had not been seen since.

The tide at this time had just begun to flood, and it would have been impossible to make for Skinburness until one hour before high water.

Meanwhile the Silloth pilot was asked to come to Workington and go with the life-boat to search. At 11.30 the life-boat Manchester and Salford XXIX put out. There was a rough sea and a moderate west-south-westerly gale.

The life-boat reached Silloth, where she had to wait again for the tide to make. She left there at 4.40 and began to search Morcambe Bay. On the way she grounded four or five times. She found the upturned boat, but there was 110 sign of her crew.

The life-boat towed the boat back to Workington, arriving there at 8.15 in the evening. The four firemen lost their lives.—Rewards to the crew, £55 5s..