Advanced search


Penlee, Cornwall.—At 7.10 on the evening of the 8th of July, 1956, the coastguard reported that a vessel was ashore at Cudden Point. The life-boat Millie Walton, on temporary duty at the station, was launched at 7.15.

There was a swell, with a light southerly breeze blowing and fog. While mak- ing for the position the life-boat ran aground for a short period owing to the bad visibility. The life-boat came up with the steamer Yewcroft on the rocks at Trevean near Cudden Point, Fer- ranthnoe. The chief engineer was landed by breeches buoy while the re- mainder of the crew were taken off by the life-boat. The life-boat arrived back at her station at eleven o'clock.

—Rewards to the crew, £9 16s.; re- wards to the helpers on shore etc., £11 13s..