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The Raft L'Egare II (1)

The Lizard and Falmouth, Cornwall.—• At 2.25 on the afternoon of the 20th of August, 1956, the Lizard coast- guard reported that the raft L'Egare II needed the help of a life-boat about thirty miles south-west of Lizard Head, and that the steamer Blydensdyk would stand by until the life-boat arrived. At 2.42 the Lizard life-boat Duke of York was launched. There was a slight sea, a light variable breeze was blowing, and the tide was flooding. The life-boat reached the raft fourteen miles south-west of Lizard Head, and found that it had crossed the Atlantic with three men on board. They wanted a tow, and it was decided to land one of the men to enable him to arrange for a tug to meet the raft. The life-boat returned to her station at 7.15.

No suitable tug was available, and it was decided to launch the Lizard and Falmouth life-boats in an attempt to tow L'Egare II. At 8.33 the Lizard life-boat was launched again on an ebbing tide. The Falmouth life-boat Crawford and Constance Conybeare was launched at ten o'clock. The Lizard life-boat reached the raft first fifteen miles south-south-east of Lizard and began to tow it. At 1.25 it was joined by the Falmouth life-boat.

Little progress was made for the next three hours because of the strong currents. At 7.53 on the morning of the 21st of August the two life-boats and the raft reached Falmouth har- bour, where the raft was berthed.

After the Lizard crew had had some food and their life-boat had been re- fuelled, she returned to her station, which she reached at 2.32. A mone- tary gift was made to both crews by the three men.—Rewards: Lizard, 1st service, rewards to the crew, £9 12s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £l] 4*.; 2nd service, rewards to the crew, £29 8s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £17 14s.; Falmouth, rewards to the crew. £17 17s.; reward to the helper on shore, 12s..