The Gorton Lightvessel
Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Nor- folk.—At 11.20 on the night of the 25th of July, 1956, the Superintendent of the local Trinity House depot rang up to say that a man in the Gorton lightvessel was sick. He asked if the life-boat would take him ashore for hospital treatment. As no other suit- able boat was available, the life-boat Louise Stephens was launched at 11.42 with a doctor on board. The sea was calm, there was a light westerly breeze, and it was high water. The life-boat took the man on board and returned to her station, arriving at 1.14 early on the 26th. A car was waiting for the man, and his life was saved. Trinity House expressed their thanks.—Re- wards to the crew, £9; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3. Refunded to the Institution by Trinity House..