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Sea Urchin and Rosalie

Barrow, Lancashire.—At 4.45 on the afternoon of the 29th of July, 1956, just after the life-boat Herbert Leigh had towed in the fishing boat Rosalie, the coxswain, who was on pilotage duty in Barrow docks, noticed that another fishing boat was in difficulties near the West Pile light in the Walney channel. He telephoned the life-boat station, and the life-boat put to sea again at five o'clock, with the second coxswain in charge. There was a fresh north-westerly gale and a moder- ate sea. The life-boat found the local fishing boat Sea Urchin with a crew of three. Her engine was not working properly, and the life-boat towed her to moorings at Jubilee bridge. She reached her station again at 6.30.

The master made a donation to the funds of the Institution.—Rewards to the crew, £7; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3 Is..