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Isle of Rona

Padstow, Cornwall.—At 4.45 on the afternoon of the 19th of August, 1956, the Trevose Head coastguard rang up to say that the Camelford police had reported a small sailing boat in diffi- culties near Tintagel Point. The no. 1 life-boat Joseph Hiram Chadwick put out at 5.15. There was a slight sea, with a gentle west-north-west breeze blowing, and a flood tide. The life-boat came up with the yacht Isle ofRona, with a crew of two, and found she was leaking slightly. The Isle of Rona was at first escorted, but as she was not making much headway, a line was passed and she was towed to Padstow. The life-boat arrived back at her station at 8.15. The yacht's crew made a donation to the funds of the Institution.—Rewards to the crew, £6; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1 4s..