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Halcyon and El Alamein

Stromness, Orkney.—At 7.42 on the evening of the 16th of July, 1056, the Kirkwall coastguard telephoned that the fishing- boat Halcyon, of Wick, had gone ashore on Black Craig Rock in Hoy Sound. At 7.55 the life-boat Archibald and Alexander M. Paterson put out. The sea was smooth, there was a slight easterly breeze, and it was foggy. The tide was ebbing. The life- boat found the Halcyon with a crew of four aground on Braga. With her, also aground, was another fishing boat, the El Alamein, which had a crew of five. The El Alamein had broken down, and the Halcyon was towing her when they stranded. The coxswain decided to stand by both vessels until high water, and the life-boat passed a line aboard the Halcyon by means of the Schermuly pistol. Another line was passed to the other vessel by the Stromness life-saving apparatus team.

Later the fishing boat Enterprise ar- rived at the position and her skipper arranged with the coxswain to tow the El Alamein clear, while the life- boat took the Halcyon in tow. The life-boat reached her station at 6.25 in the morning. The owner of the Halcyon made a donation to the In- stitution's funds.—Rewards to the crew, £20 13s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £l 16s..