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Hartlepool, Co. Durham.—At 2.55 on the morning of the 29th of July, 1956, the coastguard telephoned to say that the harbour master had reported that a yacht was aground at Inscar Point and was in danger of breaking up.

The life-boat Princess Royal (Civil Service No. 7} was launched at 3.20.

The sea was slight, and there was a light south-easterly breeze. It was low water. The life-boat found the yacht Giselle, with a crew of two, but as the yacht could only be reached by a small boat, the coxswain returned to the harbour and collected a coble.

A line was then passed to the yacht and she was taken in tow and brought into harbour. The life-boat reached her station at four o'clock. The owner made a donation to the Institution's funds and a gift to the crew.—Re- wards to the crew, £1 7s.; rewards to helpers on shore, £1 16s..