Colin Archer
Bembridge, Isle of Wight.—At 8.37 on the evening of the 29th of July, 1956, the Foreland coastguard tele- phoned that a yacht had broken adrift from her tow off Sandown and ap- peared to be in difficulties. The life- boat Jesse Lumb was launched at 8.46.
The sea was rough, there was a strong to moderate gale, and it was squally.
It was low water. The life-boat came up with the yacht Colin Archer, with a crew of four, and managed to get a line on board and take her in tow to Portsmouth. The life-boat arrived back at her station at 2.20 early on the 30th of July. This call had been the fourth she had answered on the same day.—Rewards to the crew, £12 13*.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3 5s..