The Cross Sand Lightvessel
Caister, Norfolk.—At 10.30 on the morning of the 2nd of April, 1956, the local Superintendent of Trinity House rang up to say that a man on the Cross Sand lightvessel had been badly injured. He asked if the life-boat would take him ashore, and at 10.40 the life-boat Jose Neville was launched.
There was a moderate sea and a moder- ate northerly wind, and the tide was half flood. The life-boat took on board the man, who was badly cut about the head, and made for her station where an ambulance was wait- ing, arriving at 1.20. The man's life was saved.—Rewards to the crew, £10 16*.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £6 7*. Refunded to the Insti- tution by Trinity House..