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Pass of Balmaha

Douglas, Isle of Man.—On the 5th of June, 1956. the harbour master was informed by the local agent of the tanker Pass of Balmaha, of London, that a member of her crew had had a seizure and was unconscious. The harbour master asked if the life-boat would launch to bring the man ashore, as it was impossible because of the weather to send any other small vessel. At 1.30 in the afternoon the life-boat R. A. Colby Cubbin No. 1 put out for the first time on service, with a doctor on board. There was a heavy swell, a fresh westerly breeze wasblowing, and the tide was ebbing.

The sick man was taken off the tanker and bought into the harbour, where the life-boat arrived at 3.30. He was sent immediately to hospital, but he died eight days later.—Rewards to the crew, £8; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3 5s..