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St. David's, Pembrokeshire.—At 9.55 on the night of the 26th of May, 1956, the coastguard reported that a boy had fallen over a cliff near St. David's Head. The life-boat Civil Service No.

6 was launched at 10.15 in a calm sea with a north-north-easterly breeze blowing and an ebbing tide. She took her boarding boat with her. When she reached the position lights could be seen where a life-saving apparatus team were working. The second cox- swain and the assistant mechanic took the boarding boat inshore, and with the help of the searchlight made a long but unsuccessful search along the foot of the cliffs. The life-boat returned to her station at 12.30 early on the 27th, and at 5.15 in the morning the Royal Naval Air Station at Brawdy tele- phoned to say a helicopter had sighted a body lying in a cove near St. David's Head. The life-boat was launched at 5.45 and again took her boarding boat.

o O There was now a moderate sea and a flooding tide. A north-easterly breeze was blowing. The boarding boat was sent inshore and picked up the body which was transferred to the life-boat.

The life-boat arrived back at her station at 6.45. The body was trans- ferred by ambulance to the mortuary at Brawdy.—Rewards to the crew, £13 4s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £5 4s. A donation was made to the Institution from a collection taken at the boy's school..