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New Ways of Raising Money

three months from April to June 1956 life-boats went out 28 times to the help of vessels of foreign countries.

The countries concerned were the Argentine, Belgium, Costa Rica, Den- mark, France, Germany, Italy, Li- beria, the Netherlands, Norway, Pana- ma and Sweden.

As will be seen from the accounts given on pages 292-3, of the first six services in the month of May four were to foreign vessels. The Dungeness and Dover life-boats put out to a Nor- wegian ship which had been in a collision on the 3rd of May; the Fenit and Valentia life-boats went out twice on the 3rd of May to search for the crew of a French fishing boat, six of whom unfortunately lost their lives.

The Ramsgate life-boat went out to the help of a Panamanian tanker which had been in a collision on the 8th of May, and the Eastbourne life- boat stood by a German vessel which had gone ashore on the 9th of May.

RECITAL AT THE ALBERT HALL The famous Polish pianist Witold Malcuzynski is to give a piano recital at the Royal Albert Hall on the 12th of November, 1956, the whole pro- ceeds being given to the Institution's funds. H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent, President of the Institution, has agreed to be present on this occasion. The recital is the only one which Mr.

Malcuzynski proposes to give in Lon- don during the coming winter season.

Tickets (7/6, 10/6, 12/6, £1-1-0} may be obtained from Life-boat House, the Royal Albert Hall or the usual agencies from the 1st of October..