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Naming Ceremonies

TENBY H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent. Presi- dent of the Institution, named the new Tenby life-boat Henri) Comber Brown at Tenby on the 2nd of June, 1956, and later went afloat in the life-boat. The life-boat has been built out of legacies from the late Mr. H.

Comber Brown, of London, and Miss A. E. Haldane, of Gerrards Cross.

Mr. H. E. Weight, president of the Tenby branch, took the chair and Commander T. G. Michclmore, Chief Inspector of Life-boats, described the boat, which is a 49-fcet 9-inches Watson cabin boat.

Earl Howe, Chairman of the Com- mittee of Management of the Institu- tion, on behalf of the relatives of the donors and of the Institution, handed the life-boat over to the Teiiby branch, Mr. W. S. Edwards, chairman of the branch, accepting her. The Bishop of St. David's, assisted by the Rev. Canon H. J. B. Hallam, Rector of Tenby, and the Rev. J. Lumley Williams, conducted the service of dedication. A vote of thanks to the Duchess of Kent was proposed by the Mayor of Tenby, Alderman P. R.


A guard of honour was mounted by W.R.N.S. of H.M.S. Harrier. The band of the Royal Marines from H.M.S. Gamecock played, and singing was led by the choir of St. Mary's parish church, Tenby.

Before the ceremony began Ruth and Patricia Rogers, twin daughters of the life-boat mechanic, who pre- sented the traditional bouquet to the Duchess of Kent, also presented her with a casket of Caldey scent from the friar and monks of the Caldey Island monastery. The crews of the Tenby, St. David's and Ferryside life-boats were all presented to Her Royal Highness.

ST. MARY'S, SCILLY ISLES Mrs. A. A. Dorrien-Smith named the new St. Mary's, Scilly Isles, life-boat Guy and Clare Hunter at St. Mary's on the 20th of June, 1956. The life- boat was provided out of legacies from the late Mrs. C. Hunter, of Horncastle; Mrs. R. Harris, of Manchester; Miss E. M. H. Reily, of Battersea Park; Miss M. Sheffield, of Hove; Mrs. L. M.

Widdrington, of Baling Common; Mr.

Thomas H. Bennett, of Manchester; and Mrs. C. H. Brown, of Perth.

Alderman G. Woodcock, Chairman of St. Mary's Council, opened the proceedings, and Lieut.-Commander T. M. Dorrien-Smith, president of the branch, took the chair. Lieut.-Com- mander W. L. G. Dutton, Western District Inspector of Life-boats, des- cribed the new boat, which is a 46-feet 9-inches Watson cabin boat.

Colonel A. D. Burnett Brown, Secretary of the Institution, handed the life-boat over to the branch, Mr.

R. M. Stephenson, chairman of the branch, accepting her. A prayer was read by the Rev. F. Hastings, Priest- in-Charge, St. Agnes, and the lesson by the Rev. R. Ward Davies, Metho- dist Minister, St. Mary's. The Rev. I G.

Sanders, Priest-in-Charge, Trescoe with Bryher, then dedicated the life- boat.

A vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. E. J. Dunt, Land Steward, Duchy of Cornwall, and seconded by Mr.

R. W. B. Ward, Chairman of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Company.

A certificate of service was pre- sented to Coxswain Matthew Leth- bridge, who recently retired after serving as coxswain of the St. Mary's life-boat for thirtv-one vears.

MOELFRE Countess Howe named the new Moelfre life-boat Watkin Williams at Moelfre on 26th of June, 1956. The new life-boat has been built out of a legacy of the late Miss Mary Eames Williams, of Deganwy.

Sir Richard Williams-Bulkeley, Bart., president of the Anglesey branch, took the chair, and Com- mander L. F. L. Hill, Central District Inspector of Life-boats, described the new boat, which is a 42-feet Watson boat.

Earl Howe, Chairman of the Com- mittee of Management of the Institu- tion, on behalf of the relatives of the donor and of the Institution, handed the life-boat over to the Moelfre branch, Colonel Lawrence Williams, chairman of the Anglesey branch and honorary secretary of the Moelfre station branch, receiving her.

The Bishop of Bangor, assisted by the Rev. Canon T. Woodings, Rector of Llanallga, the Rev. T. H. Smith and the Rev. H. Walter Jones, con- ducted the service of dedication. A vote of thanks to Countess Howe was proposed by Mrs. Lawrence Williams.

Earl Howe also presented a silver inkstand, which had been awarded by the Committee of Management to Colonel Lawrence Williams in appre- ciation of his services as honorary secretary of the Moelfre station since 1905.

The Beaumaris life-boat was in attendance. A bouquet was presented to Countess Howe by Linda Roberts, grand-daughter of the ex-Moelfre cox- swain, J. Matthews..