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Stronsay, Orkneys.—At 9.50 on the morning of the 14th of May. 1956, the master of the S.S. Earl Tkorpin re- ported to the honorary secretary that a Mayday distress signal had been broadcast by Wick radio station. The Kirkwall coastguard confirmed the information and stated that the traw- ler Imperia, of Grimsby, with a crew of eleven, was in difficulties and leaking off North Ronaldshay. The life-boat John Gellatlij Ifijndman was launched at 10.30 in a rough sea, with a moderate west-north-westerly gale blowing and a flooding tide. The trawler was found off Start Point. She was pro- ceeding southwards escorted by the trawler Robato. The life-boat took the tow over from the Robato and escorted the Imperia to Kirkwall, arriving at 3.20. After the crew had had a meal the life-boat returned to her station, finally arriving at Stronsay at 7.10.—Rewards to the crew, £17 9s..