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Guillaume Anne Marie

Valentia, Co. Kerry.—At 11.55 on the morning of the 3rd of June, 1956, a message was received from Valentia radio station that the French trawler Guillaume Anne Marie with a crew of twelve had engine trouble six miles south-east of Skelligs and needed help.

The life-boat A.E.D. put out at high water in a calm sea with a moderate south-westerly breeze blowing. After an extensive search the life-boat found the Guillaume Anne Marie, and by j this time the weather had worsened.

There was a very rough sea and a moderate westerly gale, and visibility was very bad. The trawler had drifted a considerable distance and was in danger of being blown ashore.

The life-boat and another French trawler passed ropes to the Guillaume Anne Marie and towed her to Yalentia, arriving there at 9.30 at night.—Re- wards to the crew, £21 13.9.; reward to the helper on shore, £l Is..