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Golden Eagle

Whltehills, Banffshlre.—At 4.55 on the afternoon of the 5th of June, 1956, the life-boat's second coxswain report- ed that he had seen a fishing vessel some three miles from Whitebills apparently out of control and drifting to the shore but showing no distress signals. The life-boat St. Andrew, Civil Service No. 10 was launched at six o'clock in a rough sea with a fresh north-westerly breeze blowing and a flooding tide. The local fishing boat Foxglove also put out about the same time, and both vessels came up with the Golden Eagle, of Wick, about half a mile from the shore. The life-boat and the Foxglove each put two men on board, but although the engine was running there was no sign of the crew.

The Foxglove towed the Golden Eagle to Whitehills escorted by the life-boat, which arrived back at her station at 7.30.—Rewards to the crew, £7: rewards to the helpers on shore, £3 2s..