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Cestrian Maid

Beaumaris, Anglesey.—At 11.40 on the morning of the 5th of June, 1956, it was reported that the crew of two of the yacht Cestrian Maid, of Liverpool, were signalling for help off Gallows Point. The life-boat Field Marshal and Mrs. Smuts, which had put out to the same vessel the dav before, was launched in a rough sea, with a moder- ate south-south-westerly gale blowing and a flooding tide. The Cestrian Maid was in danger of being swept on to Beaumaris pier by the rough sea, and the life-boat towed her to a safe anchorage. The life-boat arrived back at her station at 3.30 but because of the weather could not be rehoused until the 7th of June. The owner made a donation to the Institution's funds.—Rewards to the crew, £11 lls.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3..