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A Dinghy (1)

Workington, Cumberland.—At 10.50 on the night of the 21st of May, 1956, the Walney Island coastguard rang up to say that a dinghy had been reported to be drifting towards Workington south buoy. The life-boat Man- chester & Salford XXIX put out at 11.30 in a calm sea. There was a light north-easterly breeze and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat found the dinghy, with four Sea Cadets aboard, some four miles north-west of Whitehaven. She towed the dinghy to Whitehaven and arrived back at her station at two o'clock early on the 23rd of May.—Rewards to the crew, £8 8s.; reward to the helper on shore, 14s..