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The S.S. Mormacoak

Aberdeen.—On the 9th of February, 1956, the agents for the S.S. Morma- coak, of New York, rang up to say that the vessel's cargo had broken adrift in bad weather and that her chief officer had been badly hurt. The vessel was making for Aberdeen and was due to arrive at 7.30 in the even- ing. The agents asked if the life-boat would take out a doctor as soon as she arrived, and at 7.5 the no. 1 life-boat Hilton Briggs put out. There was a moderate swell and a moderate south- south-east wind. It was low water.

The life-boat embarked a doctor and a pilot and took them to the Mormacoak, which by this time had reached a position off Girdleness. The two men boarded the vessel, and the doctor after treating the chief officer re- embarked in the life-boat, which returned to her station, arriving at 9.5.—Rewards to the crew, £8 15s.; rewards to the helper on shore, etc., 18s..