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St. Mary

Ballycotton, Go. Cork.—At 9.30 on the night of the 15th of January, 1956, a man reported that his two sons had put off from Cork Harbour in the local seven-ton fishing boat St. Mary, but that they had not returned. The men had left at five o'clock in the evening, and they had no sails or lights. At 9.50 a flare was seen about four miles west of the life-boat station, and at two o'clock the life-boat Mary Stanford put out. There was a ground swell, a moderate westerly breeze was blowing, and the tide was ebbing. It was very dark. The life-boat found the St.

Mary one hundred yards from rocks three and a half miles west of Bally- cotton, and passed a rope aboard.

She then towed her to Ballycotton and reached her station again at 12.30 early on the 16th.—Rewards to the crew, £10 10s.; reward to the helper on shore, 14s..