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Service In Appalling Conditions

AT 12.55 on the afternoon of the 8th of January, 1956, the Spurn Point coast- guard rang up the Humber life-boat station to say that the motor vessel Stevonia, of Goole, had wirelessed that her cargo had shifted and that she had a heavy list. Her position was seven- teen miles north of Spurn Point. At 1.21 the Humber life-boat City of Bradford III was launched.

There was a very high and confused sea, a fresh northerly gale was blowing, and snow was falling. It was nearly high water.

The Humber life-boat made for the position in the teeth of a gale, and at 1.4 the Bridlington coastguard in- formed the Bridlington life-boat station of the Stevonia's position. The Brid- lington life-boat, Tillie Morrison, Shef- field II was launched at 2.13.

The Humber life-boat reached the Stevonia at 3.40 and found four steamers standing by her. In appal- ling weather conditions the life-boat and steamers stood by the Stevonia while she slowly made for Spurn. She finally anchored in the Sunk Roads at 9.20.

Recalled to Station The Bridlington life-boat had not been needed, and she was recalled to her station, arriving at six o'clock.

The Humber life-boat, however, an- chored near the Stevonia, and it was not until 11.20 at night that the Stevonia's master was satisfied that he needed no further help. The Humber life-boat then returned to her station, arriving at 2.20 on the morning of the 9th.

The conditions of this particular service were so disagreeable through- out that the Committee of Manage- ment addressed collective letters of appreciation to the coxswains and crews of both life-boats in recognition of the fortitude they displayed in the prevailing conditions. They also gran- ted additional monetary rewards to all who took part in the service.

Coxswain's Comments Comments by the Bridlington cox- swain and motor mechanic on the way in which the Bridlington life-boat stood up the conditions were reported in the March 1956 number of the Life-boat on page 185.

Rewards: Humber, permanent paid crew; scale rewards, £1515s.; additional rewards, £10 10*. Bridlington, rewards to the crew, £11 10*.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £11 12.5. 6d.; addi- tional rewards to the crew, £10 10,9.

Total rewards, Humber £26 5s.; Brid- lington, £33 12s. 6d. The owners of the Stevonia expressed their warm appreciation of the services of the Humber life-boat crew and made them a gift..