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Pilot Me II and the S.S. Arthur Wright

Scarborough, Yorkshire. — On the morning of the 8th of January, 1956, anxiety was felt for the safety of the local fishing boat Pilot Me II, as the weather was worsening. The life-boat crew assembled, but at 6.30 the coast- guard rang up to say that a message had been received from Cromer that the S.S. Arthur Wright had wirelessed that her steering gear had carried away off Scarborough Rock. Twenty minutes later the life-boat Annie Ronald and Isabella Forrest, on tem- porary duty at the station, was launched. There was a rough sea and a north-north-easterly gale. It was low water. The life-boat searched for the steamer. She did not find her, but came up with the Pilot Me II to the east of the position given. She escorted her in and reached her station again at 10.45. The Arthur Wright reached Bridlington Bay without help.

—Rewards to the crew, £12; rewards to the helpers on shore, £12 6s..